by admin | 29 Mar, 2023
“Handicap” in bowling is a means to level out the playing field allowing players of different abilities to fairly play and compete against one another in a challenging way. The handicap is a number calculated from a player’s average and added to each...
by admin | 29 Mar, 2023
The fees are currently £12.50 per person per match – so £25.00 per team each week. This covers 3 games of bowling plus a contribution to the prize fund which pays out at the end of the league. Note that missed and/or defaulted matches still need to be paid...
by admin | 29 Mar, 2023
The Duos league has teams of 2 people playing each match. A team can have up to 5 people on the roster but only 2 will play in a match.
by admin | 29 Mar, 2023
The Monday Duos league plays on Monday nights at 8pm. We usually run two leagues through the year: Winter league runs from early September to roughly Easter – with a few weeks off in December Summer league runs from some time after Easter until around late July...